Monday, January 25, 2010


Don't even know what to write about this.....???

This catastrophe was on the 5 south in San Clemente, maybe they were going to shred the gnar at tresltes?? Not sure.

Thanks Kirst

Sea Hippie Jewels

Toes Team Rider Dina Horo has started her own line of unique womens jewelry.
Since you can usually spot Diina by the sea in her yellow Volkswagen van with boy and dog in tow, its not a shock to see that she named her line "Seahippie Jewls".
All of Diina's pieces are handmade uniquely to your liking, no piece is exactly the same.
To see more pieces check out her facebook until the website is finished.
Or contact Diina at

Toes Team Rider Dina Horo has started her own line of unique womens jewelry.
Since you can usually spot Diina by the sea in her yellow Volkswagen van with boy and dog in tow, its not a shock to see that she named her line "Seahippie Jewls".
All of Diina's pieces are handmade uniquely to your liking. No piece is exactly the same.
To see more pieces check out her facebook until the website is finished.
Or contact Diina at

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain, Rain go away

If you come by the shop we may be closed because of the crazy storm.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Planer

Toes Rider and Laguna Beach Local Darren Eudaly talks about his new model nose rider " the planer"

Filmed and and Edited by the very talented youth of Toes ......... Victor Pakpour.

Check It!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

MENS 2010 ... Preview

Toes Mens just gets better and better.....

Friday, January 8, 2010


Dec. 26th to January 4th.......

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Toes Laguna Beach closed 1/5 and 1/6

Toes on the Nose, Laguna Beach will be closed all day on january 5th and 6th.
Thanks for understanding and we will see you this weekend. Come by and see all of our improvements and Merchandise.

Happy New year

The Toes Crew

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So... Happy New Years everyone! Hope everyone had a good one!
The waves have died down a bunch but we have still been out everyday.
Yesterday was a day of wildlife, not only do we see turtles in the line up everyday but on the drive back from the beach we saw plenty of monkeys, every species of bird you can think of ( macaws, tucans, parrots ) snakes, crocs, stray bulls with huge gentitals ect....
Courtney has about 5,000 bug bites and I am sure she may have bot fly.
Charlos's hair is platinum blonde and John is darker than Morgan Freeman.
Today we surfed and swam our brains out. Came back ate another amazing meal and now we are on a mission for this delicios hot sauce for Kirsten ( not lizano) and rum for Hank.
Well, check back in a few days for pics and stories we have some good ones.
Wish you guys could see where we are, so freaking insane!!!

Love from Pura vida land.

J,C,C,and S :)