Saturday, January 2, 2010


So... Happy New Years everyone! Hope everyone had a good one!
The waves have died down a bunch but we have still been out everyday.
Yesterday was a day of wildlife, not only do we see turtles in the line up everyday but on the drive back from the beach we saw plenty of monkeys, every species of bird you can think of ( macaws, tucans, parrots ) snakes, crocs, stray bulls with huge gentitals ect....
Courtney has about 5,000 bug bites and I am sure she may have bot fly.
Charlos's hair is platinum blonde and John is darker than Morgan Freeman.
Today we surfed and swam our brains out. Came back ate another amazing meal and now we are on a mission for this delicios hot sauce for Kirsten ( not lizano) and rum for Hank.
Well, check back in a few days for pics and stories we have some good ones.
Wish you guys could see where we are, so freaking insane!!!

Love from Pura vida land.

J,C,C,and S :)

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